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Welcome To Mr. A.'s Forensic Science Website!!!

Today's date is: 


Just Added!!!

Video Journal Questions and Sample.

Click here for a copy of the "Serial Killers" project sheet (opens in a new window). This is the worksheet with the possible names, the questions that need to be addressed (information that you need to have), and a sample rubric.

Click here for a copy of the Rubric for the Serial Killers project sheet (opens in a new window). This is the rubric used for grading presentations.

The Blinking Construction Sign  Please Note:  This website is still under construction.  The Blinking Construction Sign

Where would you like to go?

The Calendar - This is a calendar that includes class related information, such as exam dates, lessons, and homeworks.  This information might change slightly, but this is an approximate idea of where we are/will be.

Mr. Altschuler's Teaching Schedule and Office Hours - This is my schedule.  Please do not interrupt any classes if you need to see me!  You can talk to me during a free period, before a class starts, or after a class ends. 

Links - These are websites that I think are interesting and useful.

Lesson Information - This is additional notes related to the day's lesson.  This is a good place to go if you miss a day!

Homework - This is a list of homework assignments.  This is another good place to go if you miss a day!

Test Review - This will give you things to review for the tests.

Write To Me - Contact me via e-mail.