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Test #4 Review:  Chapters 7 & 8

Instructions:  Read the question.  Then, read the answers. Choose the answer that you think is correct and click on the button to see if your answer is correct or not.  A comment box will pop up to tell you if you are right or wrong in your choice.  To make the pop up box go away, you can click on the "OK" button, hit the "enter" button on your keyboard, or hit the space bar.  Use the button to go back to the top at any time.

I recommend keeping track of how many you get correct on your first try.  (Please note:  If you find any errors, such as no answer comes up correct, please let me know as soon as possible so that I may correct these problems.)

True or False

1.  Blood and its components has only been an object of study for the last 20 years.


2.  Blood is the circulating tissue consisting of two types of cells:  red blood cells and platelets.


3.  Red blood cells are also called erythrocytes.


4.  When a foreign invader is recognized by the immune system, an attack is launched against the invader. 


5.   White blood cells secrete proteins:  known as antibodies, which assist in the immune response.


6.  Red blood cells recognize a substance as foreign and try to destroy it. 


7.  Our immune system tries to protect us by fighting against viruses and bacteria, but would not try to destroy red blood cell proteins from a person with a different blood type.


8.  A and B proteins are found on the surface of some red blood cells.


9.  The shorter the distance that a  droplet of blood falls, the more satellites and spikes are formed.


10.  The blood spray of a gunshot wound would have a higher velocity than the blood spray from blunt trauma, such as being struck with a hammer.


11.  As the angle of impact increases, the length of the blood spatter increases.


12.  The location of the victim when they were attacked can be determined by looking at the blood spatter.


13.  The shape of the blood droplets can show us the direction that the perpetrator was moving.


14.  The shape of the blood droplets can provide evidence of a sequence of events.


15.  The shape of the blood droplets can show us who the victim was.


16.  The type of weapon used in the attack can be determined by looking at the blood spatter.


17.  The motive for the attack can be determined by looking at the blood spatter.


18.  The height of the victim's injury or injuries can be determined by looking at the blood spatter.


19.  Today, blood splatter evidence is used to explain events at violent crime scenes.


20.  Today blood splatter evidence is used to explain events at all crime scenes.


21. Blood typing is usually used in an investigation before DNA analysis, because it is cheaper and can more accurately pinpoint the perpetrator than DNA testing can.


22.  Except for identical twins, no two people on earth have the same DNA.


23.  Chromosomes are structures made up of molecules of DNA, which store genetic information.


24.  In the movie “Gattaca,” the real Jerome was injured in a car accident.


Multiple Choice

25.  Blood has been studied at one degree or another:

since 1993.

for the last 4 decades.

for thousands of years.

None of them can be.

26.  Whole blood is composed of:

white blood cells


red blood cell

All of the above.

27.  Which part of blood aids in clotting?

white blood cells


red blood cell

All of the above.

28.  Antibodies are White blood cells secrete proteins:

proteins secreted by viruses to attack the immune response.

proteins secreted by white blood cells to assist in the immune response.

proteins secreted by bacteria to assist in the immune response.

proteins secreted by parasites to attack the immune response.

29.  Erythrocytes:

carry respiratory gases, mainly oxygen and carbon dioxide.

fight disease and foreign invaders.

aid in blood clotting.

are involved in repairing damaged blood cells.

30.  Which part of blood carries oxygen to body cells and carbon dioxide away?

white blood cells


red blood cell

All of the above.

31.  Which part of blood fights pathogens and infections?

white blood cells


red blood cell

All of the above.

32.  The part of blood that fights against pathogens and infections defend our bodies from:



red blood cell proteins from a person with a different blood type.

All of these choices.

33.  The immune system functions to protect our bodies by identifying cells or molecules that are foreign, such as:




All of these choices.

34.  The blood type an individual has is determined by:

a DNA reaction test.

a protein reaction test.

an antibody reaction test.

a RF factor reaction test.

35.  Of the four main human blood types using the ABO system, the smallest percentage of the U.S. population is made up of:

Type O.

Type B.

Type A.

Type AB.

36.  What percentage of the population is made up of type A blood?





37.  What percentage of the population is made up of type B blood?





38.  What percentage of the population is made up of type AB blood?





39.  What percentage of the population is made up of type O blood?





40.  If the membrane of a person’s red blood cells contains the B proteins, then he or she has:

Type A blood.

type AB blood.

Type B blood.

type O blood.

41.  If the membrane of a person’s red blood cells contains the A proteins, then he or she has:

Type A blood.

type AB blood.

Type B blood.

type O blood.

42.  If the membrane of a person’s red blood cells contains both the A and the B proteins, then he or she has:

Type A blood.

type AB blood.

Type B blood.

type O blood.

43.  If the membrane of a person’s red blood cells does not contain the A nor the B proteins, then he or she has:

Type A blood.

type AB blood.

Type B blood.

type O blood.

44.  DNA can be extracted from:

bodily fluids.

strains of hair.

skin cells.

All of the above.

45.  What is one thing that the shape of the blood drops tell the investigators?

the identities of the victims

the timeline of events

the identity of the criminal

None of these choices.

46.  Which statement about blood droplets is true?

The closer to the surface the droplet falls, the more satellites and spikes you will see.

The further from the surface the droplet falls, the more satellites and spikes you will see.

The distance from the surface has no determination over the number of satellites and spikes you will see.

The amount of iron in the blood will determine the number of satellites and spikes you will see.

47.  Which statement is true regarding blood spatter?

The more blood in the spray, the larger the droplets in the spatter.

The less blood in the spray, the larger the droplets in the spatter.

The higher the velocity of the spray, the larger the droplets in the spatter.

The lower the velocity of the spray, the larger the droplets in the spatter.

48.  The greater the angle of impact (the bigger number of degrees),

the more elongated the blood spatter becomes.

the less elongated the blood spatter becomes.

the less round the blood spatter becomes.

the more spikes and satellites can be seen.

49.  Which letter best shows the convergence point (origin point)?






Use the image below to answer questions 50 – 52.  This is an image of a few drops of blood, where the letter “A” represents the parts of the blood spatter that is separate from the main drop and the letter “B” represents the part of the spatter that is still attached to the drop.

50.  What part of the droplet does the letter "A" represent?




None of these choices.

51.  What part of the droplet does the letter "B" represent?




None of these choices.

52.  What type of blood pattern is shown in this image?

An arterial gush

Passive drops



53.  Chromosomes form in a double helix, which looks like:

railroad tracks.

an open umbrella.

a twisted ladder.

All of the above.

54.  Except for identical twins, no two people on earth have the same:

physical characteristics.

blood group.


skeletal type.

55.  In the nucleus of most human body cells, there are:

23 pairs of chromosomes.

92 chromosomes.

46 pairs of chromosomes.

None of these choices.

56.  DNA sequences with a high degree of polymorphism are:

least useful for DNA analysis.

not useful for DNA analysis.

most useful for DNA analysis.

None of these choices.

57.  If you tease apart a human chromosome, you will see that it is made up of:

one strand of DNA.

three strands of DNA.

Two strands of DNA.

four strands of DNA.

58.  The DNA in chromosomes contains approximately:

one base pair.

3 thousand base pairs

3 million base pairs.

3 billion base pairs.

59.  One of two or more alternative forms of a gene is:

an allele.

a chromosome.



60.  Saliva can be found on a victim if the perpetrator:




All of the above.

61.  Which of the following is true regarding saliva and talking?       

Everyone sprays some amount of saliva when they talk.

Only people with certain speech impediments sprays some amount of saliva when they talk.

Most people do not spray some amount of saliva when they talk.

No one sprays some amount of saliva when they talk.

62.  DNA evidence likely to become contaminated if:          

the investigator is using fresh disposable latex gloves.

new bags and containers are used.

the investigator is talking in the lab room.

None of the above.

63.  Within the non-coding sections of DNA, certain short sequences of DNA are repeated:

multiple times.

one time.

two times.

three times.

64.  Biological evidence is used in forensics for identification purposes.  Biological evidence includes:




All of these choices.

Use the image below to answer questions 65 – 67. 

65.  Which “alleged father” is the child’s father?

Alleged father #1

Either of them can be.

Alleged father #2

None of them can be.

66.  The above test is quite accurate, because a child gets

most of his/her DNA from his/her mother

half of his/her DNA from each parent

most of his/her DNA from his/her father

None of these choices.

67.  The image above represents

a DNA “fingerprint”

a blood spatter test

a blood typing set

None of these choices.

68.  In the movie “Gattaca,” Vincent would have been kept out of the Gattaca Aerospace Corporation because of his likelihood to develop:

a brain tumor.

heart disease.


All of the above.

69.  In the movie “Gattaca,” what did the real Jerome win a silver metal for prior to his accident?



Car racing


70.  In the movie “Gattaca,” what did the real Jerome win a gold metal for prior to his accident?



Car racing


71.  While Vincent was posing as Jerome (in the movie "Gattaca"), his employers tested him in several ways to see if he was a "valid."  Which of the following was NOT used to test his DNA in the movie?






















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